5 Ways To Make Your Event More Sustainable – The Best Disposable Coffee Cups

September 06, 2021 2 min read

Cornstarch Disposable Coffee Cups

5 Ways To Make Your Event More Sustainable – The Best Disposable Coffee Cups

Making your event more sustainable is good for the planet and the reputation of your business. You have both a global and moral obligation to provide attendees with an environmentally friendly place of gathering. From saying no to plastic and using LED lights to simply reducing waste and using eco-friendly disposable coffee cups – the following five tips will help you transform your next event.


Use these tips to help you plan an event and feel confident knowing that you are taking the necessary steps to make the planet a safer and more environmentally friendly place to live.


1. Say no to plastic

Saying no to plastic is one of the easiest ways to make your event more sustainable. Plastic coffee cups and plates are some of the main things that pile into landfills and take thousands of years to degrade. Using an eco-friendly option or using washable kitchenware is the way to go.


2. Light with LED 

LED lighting can transform your event, making it far more sustainable than other lighting options. LED bulbs consume less power, reducing greenhouse emissions. Switch your event to LED lighting and reap the eco-friendly rewards.


3. Reduce waste

The three pillars of sustainability are: 

  • Reduce 
  • Recycle 
  • Reuse

They play a crucial role in helping make the world a more eco-friendly place for everyone. However, when talking about the three pillars, "reduce" is often forgotten. Arguably the most crucial pillar, "reduce", encourages us to limit what we use and analyse whether it is genuinely necessary to use it. Think of ways you can reduce waste at your next event.


4. Disposable plates bulk 

Paper plates in bulk or small amounts are no longer the best option. There are more eco-friendly disposable plate options that help the planet and the reputation of your event. With the advancement of technology and sustainable practices, you can now buy disposable plates in bulk made from corn starch (the same kind in your pantry). 

This means, unlike paper plates in bulk, you don't have to worry about any nasty chemicals mixed in with tableware and the food your guests are eating. 


5. Get eco-friendly disposable coffee cups

The same goes for disposable coffee cups, with greener alternatives to the nasty plastic ones we see too often. Biodegradable coffee cups are better for the planet, and they are microwave safe too.  


Whether you're on the hunt for disposable coffee cups or paper plates in bulk, an eco-friendly option will help sustainably transform your event. Saying no to plastic is no longer an option and is now a requirement for organising events. It's better for the planet and better for your event guests.

Eco Tableware 

Eco-friendly food packaging is a sustainable option when looking for disposable coffee cups or disposable plates in bulk. We also offer a range of cutlery and container options made from wood or corn. If you are looking for wholesale pricing, then reach out to us today on Facebook, Instagram or through or contact us page.

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