Are Compostable Plates Better for the Environment?

May 10, 2021 2 min read

Compostable Plates

Are Compostable Plates Better for the Environment?

  • Compostable plates for parties
  • Biodegradable serving ware
  • Benefits of ecofriendly plates

These days, everyone is out to do whatever they can to help the environment however they can.  Some focus their efforts on reducing plastic materials.  Others will find ways to make more eco-friendly choices on disposable materials.  If you want something related to those things, but still unique, consider compostable plates for dining!  Perfect for barbecues and parties, they’re clean-up free and a great earth-conscious choice.  Here’s what you need to know.

How are compostable plates made?

Many options for biodegradable serving ware have different amounts of each ingredient, but, across the board, compostable plates are made up of bamboo, recycled paper and cardboard, corn starch, and even bamboo and leaves!  While it doesn’t sound very appetizing, remember: you aren’t eating the plate!  It’s simply the surface on which you are eating!

The plates are made by compacting these ingredients together and then forming them into the shape of the plate.  No chemicals or coating needed!  It’s that simple.  

What makes them good for the environment?

There are several ways in which you can enjoy the benefits of ecofriendly plates.  Some of the best ones include:

  • Smart single-use serving: The thing is, disposable plates are well-loved, and with good reason.  When you get compostable plates, you’re going to enjoy that same convenience but you can do it in a way that’s intelligent and eco-friendly!  No compromises to be had.

  • Promote composting: One of the main details about compostable plates is that they are intended for, well, a compost bin.  Buying them helps you raise awareness on the importance of composting and also helps your actual compost bin do better!

  • Support eco-friendly companies: Last but not least, when you buy biodegradable serving ware, you’re going to be putting your financial and moral support in companies that think, and work, as you do.  It helps promote even more of them and helps them reach success, which will help them reach their own goals.

    As well, many companies do what they can to further support sustainability and proper ethics, and it can feel great on a grander scheme to know that!  When you’re looking at the idea of doing everything that you can to help the world around you embrace eco-friendly approaches, something as simple as lending your support to a company who thinks the way that you do is a great move!

  • While many so-called “eco-friendly” products aren’t actually doing what they set out to do, these are the happy exceptions and are going to give you a boost into true green living.  Compostable plates may seem like a unique product, but they’re actually multipurpose and make a huge difference in making sure that you are doing what you can to support a sustainable world!  Whether you have weekly barbecues, or you just enjoy these every once in a while, any time you choose these disposable plates over Styrofoam or plastic, you’re making the right decision!

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